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MEM.Zone Dashboards

This is a solution of dashboards and reports, for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.

_Dashboard - Software Updates dashboard is navigable, independent of Software Update Groups and comes with an array of filtering options and sub-reports. All sub-reports can be run standalone. Bitlocker - Compliance by Collection (MBAM) report is a standalone complete solution for monitoring Bitlocker (MBAM) compliance and non-compliance reasons. Bitlocker - Compliance by Collection report is a standalone complete solution for monitoring Bitlocker compliance, key upload and non-compliance reasons. Operating System - Version Compliance by Collection report is a standalone solution for monitoring Feature Update or Windows Version Compliance. Operating System - Windows 11 Readiness by Collection report is a standalone solution for checking Windows 11 Upgrade Readiness.

The installation can be done manually or via the included PowerShell installer.

Main page

See main.

Latest release

See releases.


See changelog.


See help.


Dashboards and Reports

+-- (D) _Dashboard - Software Updates
    +-- (C) Device Update Compliance
    |   +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Collection
    |       +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Device
    +-- (C) Missing updates by Classification
    |   +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Collection
    |       +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Device
    +-- (C) Device Update Agent Scan States
    |   +-- (R) Software Update - Scan Status by Collection
    +-- (C) Overall Update Groups Compliance
    +-- (C) Top 5 Devices with Missing Updates by Classification
    |   +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Collection
    |       +-- (R) Software Update - Compliance by Device
    +-- (T) Critical Alerts
    |   +-- (R) Site - Alerts
    +-- (T) Last Successful Synchronization Time
        +-- (R) Software Update - Update Point Sync Status
+-- (R) Bitlocker - Compliance by Collection * Bitlocker (MBAM)
+-- (R) Bitlocker - Compliance by Collection * Bitlocker
+-- (R) Operating System - Version Compliance by Collection
+-- (R) Operating System - Windows 11 Readiness by Collection

## Legend
'()'  - 'to' or 'from' navigation element
'(D)' - Dashboard
'(R)' - Report
'(C)' - Chart
'(T)' - Text

Preview (Not up-to-date)

This preview is not up-to-date, it represents version 2.0.0. A new preview will be available shortly.



Notes Run the user and device discovery after adding the l and co attributes.


SQL User Defined Functions (UDF)

SQL SELECT Rights for smsschm_users (CM Reporting)

Notes You can find the code that automatically grants SELECT rights to the functions and tables above in the perm_CMDatabase.sql file.

Installation - Automatic

Use the provided PowerShell installer. You can find the standalone repository for the installer here.

## Get syntax help
Get-Help .\Install-SRSReport.ps1

## Typical installation example
#  With extensions
.\Install-SRSReport.ps1 -ReportServerUri 'http://CM-SQL-RS-01A/ReportServer' -ReportFolder '/ConfigMgr_XXX/SRSDashboards' -ServerInstance 'CM-SQL-RS-01A' -Database 'CM_XXX' -Overwrite -Verbose
#  Without extensions (Permissions will still be granted on prerequisite views and tables)
.\Install-SRSReport.ps1 -ReportServerUri 'http://CM-SQL-RS-01A/ReportServer' -ReportFolder '/ConfigMgr_XXX/SRSDashboards' -ServerInstance 'CM-SQL-RS-01A' -Database 'CM_XXX' -ExcludeExtensions -Verbose
#  Extensions only
.\Install-SRSReport.ps1 -ServerInstance 'CM-SQL-RS-01A' -Database 'CM_XXX' -ExtensionsOnly -Overwrite -Verbose

Notes If you don’t use Windows Authentication (you should!) in your SQL server you can use the -UseSQLAuthentication switch. PowerShell script needs to be run as administrator. If you have problems installing the SQL extensions run the script on the SQL server directly and specify the -ExtensionsOnly switch. If this still doesn’t work check out the Manual Installation Steps.

Installation - Manual

Upload reports to SSRS, update the datasource, grant the necessary permissions and optionally install the helper function.

Upload Reports to SSRS

Notes Reports must be placed in the same folder on the report server.

Configure Imported Report

Create the SQL Helper Function

The ufn_CM_GetNextMaintenanceWindow is needed in order to display the next maintenance window.

Notes You need to have access to add the function and grant SELECT on ufn_CM_GetNextMaintenanceWindow, fnListAlerts, vSMS_ServiceWindow and vSMS_SUPSyncStatus for the smsschm_users (ConfigMgr reporting). If the ufn_CM_GetNextMaintenanceWindow is not present you will get a ‘Missing helper function!’ instead of the next maintenance window. To resolve the error codes, or get more info, just hover over the table cell.